Sveiki atvykę į mano naują svetainę! Welcome to my new site!
I created a site called in 2008, a site that has over 4,000 images of antique maps of the area of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which existed from 1569 to 1795 (with a bump in the road just before the last Partition resulted in the disappearance of the Commonwealth from maps of Europe). Beginning March 31, 2021, becomes a static site, a reference site for antique maps of the area of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Yahoo! web-hosting pulled the rug out from under me, ending support of the platform I used for 12 years. Transferring the over 4,000 images on that site to a new platform was beyond me, both in terms of doing it myself, and paying a web-developer/designer to do it.
So I've launched this brand-new website:, hosted by Wix, a site that will be more of a blog, with pages for new maps and map commentary not on the old site, plus new articles on all things Lithuanian: traditional Lithuanian wood carving, Lithuanian history, including excerpts from research papers, the Lithuanian language, art and poetry by Lithuanians, and even Lithuanian beers! My favorite is Jovaru, a gyvas alus -- a farmstead live beer. Thank you for giving my new site a look, and I hope you come back soon!
At kaip nutiko... Mat neperseniausiai buvau atradęs Itin naudinga svetainė istorijos ir žemėlapių mylėtojams kaip man! Tad džiugu, jog bus archyvuota ir laukiu pamatyt ką toliau pasidalinsi :)