Facebook Post: My Yearly Environmental Map Award for a Resident of Lithuania
English translation: We are once again announcing a call to submit cartographic works for the A. Kapočiūnas annual prize for a map of environmental problems. Applications are accepted until November 15, 2023. More information https://lietuvoskartografija.lt/kapociuno-premija/
Past winning entries:
2019 award winner Danas Augutis, Lietuvos gamtos fondas. Presented in person by Andrew Kapochunas in Vilnius at CartoCon.
2019 winner: a series of maps titled "The state of the trees in the Kaunas oak grove and management options" by Dan Augutis. Lithuanian Nature Foundation. The Kaunas oak forest is probably the only broad-leaved forest of this size in Europe. The main feature of the park is its mature oaks, which delight park visitors and are an important habitat for rare and endangered organisms listed in the Red Book. However, every year several old trees die in the oak grove due to age, human activity or poor maintenance.
A series of maps summarizes information about the old trees of the Kaunas oak grove collected during the research. A special treat: Danas and some of his staff led a tour of the forest for the me and some of my Lithuanian cousins!
2020 winner: online map " Diffusion of alien invasive plant species in the Varėna-Gardina border region "by Marijus Pileckas. VšĮ Natural Heritage Fund.
2021 winner: Interactive air quality map of the city of Vilnius by Agnė Eigminienė, Povilas Rinkūnas, Linas Vaitkevičius, Rūta Četrauskaitė and Rima Vaicekauskaitė. JSC "Vilnius plan".
2022 winner: "IF GLACIERS MELT TOMORROW..." a map of Lithuania showing how the current territory would change if the sea level rose by 70 meters/230 feet. The layout also provides information on how this would affect residents.
2022 winners: Jonas Bačelis and Jana Vanagė. Department of Statistics of Lithuania.