I'll be giving a Zoom Oct. 15, 12 noon New York (ET) time
Updated: Oct 2, 2023
My presentation will be hosted by LitvakSIG (https://www.litvaksig.org/ ) as part of its "Power Up Your Research" [in genealogy] series. My session is titled "How to find any shtetl on topographic maps," and the steps I will discuss are applicable to finding even the smallest Lithuanian, Latvian, Western Belarus or Eastern Polish villages on topographic maps of Eastern Europe. The Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsf-utqzIqG9EniwMMcWhznVoNiHR09hJP#/registration
Here are sample screenshots of the pages of high-resolution downloadable topographic maps at LithuanianMaps.com:
